Animorphs #21: The Threat


  • Marriott
  • “Insane in the Brain” (Cypress Hill)
  • Grateful Dead
  • Michael Jordan
  • Wal-Mart
  • “Wild Blue Yonder”
  • The Movie Channel
  • Pizza Hut
  • Men in Black
  • David Letterman
  • TV Guide
  • Taco Bell
  • McDonald’s 
  • Holiday Inn
  • Big Mac
  • Delta
  • Top Gun
  • Miss Spider
  • Three Stooges
  • Gulf War
  • CBS News
  • Cokie Roberts
  • ABC
  • Dan Rather
  • Bobbie Bautista
  • CNN
  • Monday Night Football
  • UPS
  • Waldenbooks
  • Baby Gap


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