
Showing posts from September, 2023

Animorphs #24: The Suspicion

Hernan Cortes Mademoiselle Magazine Goodwill Ralph Lauren Wal-Mart Star Wars Star Trek Romulans United Federation of Planets Klingons Dominion Ferengi Babylon 5 TIE Fighters Legos Barbie X-Men GI Joe Audubon Society  Snoopy Red Baron Goodyear RMS Titanic Wicked Witch of the West Lollipop Guild Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (alluded to) Jell-O Sears Apollo 13 (alluded to) Spock World Almanac Kmart Target Oscars Blockbuster Denny’s Lethal Weapon Mobil McDonald’s (alluded to) King Kong Greyhound Medusa Wizard of Oz (alluded to)  

Animorphs #23: The Pretender

  Disney Napoleon Bonaparte  George Washington State Farm Taco Bell Doritos Coca-Cola Diet Coke Mr. Brown’s Final Jeopardy Hyatt Tommy Hilfiger Mounds Speedy Muffler King Applebee’s Teletubbies Nintendo Riven HBO Benjamin Franklin McDonald’s Thumper Bambi Peter Rabbit Bugs Bunny CNN Polaroid George S. Patton John Grisham Stephen King Nora Roberts Star Trek Three Little Pigs (alluded to) Dumbo Godzilla Romeo and Juliet Leonardo DiCaprio Kate Winslet  Sean Connery The Untouchables Steve Urkel Martin Luther King Jr. (alluded to) Sears John Wayne Xena: Warrior Princess Land Rover

Megamorphs #2: In the Time of Dinosaurs

  Kenny G Cinnabon Doritos Spider-Man Beverly Hillbillies  Silly Putty Toys R Us  Kmart or Walmart (Alluded to) JC Penny (Alluded to) Baywatch Carmen Electra Magic School Bus Jonah Coca-Cola Jurassic Park La-Z-Boy Robinson Crusoe Burger King Toyota Goodyear Blimp Taco Bell Xena: Warrior Princess Buffalo Bill Denny’s Smuckers Band-Aid Oscar Mayer Star Trek The Flintstones Quest for Fire McDonald’s (Alluded to) Quarter Pounder (Alluded to) Hanson Batman Robin Godzilla

Animorphs #22: The Solution

  South Park Old Navy  Foot Locker JC Penney  Louisville Slugger Starbucks Xena: Warrior Princess Frog Prince (alluded to) Prince Marriott The Thing Free Willy Moby Dick (alluded to) ER Noah Wylie La Femme Nikita Express Leonardo DiCaprio Hercules Rain Man Taco Bell Cessna Coca-Cola Pepsi Lego

Animorphs #21: The Threat

  Marriott “Insane in the Brain” (Cypress Hill) Grateful Dead Michael Jordan Wal-Mart “Wild Blue Yonder” The Movie Channel Pizza Hut Men in Black David Letterman TV Guide Taco Bell McDonald’s  Holiday Inn Big Mac Delta Top Gun Miss Spider Three Stooges Gulf War CBS News Cokie Roberts ABC Dan Rather Bobbie Bautista CNN Monday Night Football UPS Waldenbooks Baby Gap

Animorphs #20: The Discovery

  Muppets X-Men Life Savers Burger King Xena: Warrior Princess Hercules Joker Dumb and Dumber Whopper Marriott  Steve Young Superman Clue (Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet) Bugs Bunny Yosemite Sam Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lord of the Dance Beavis NYPD Blue (Andy Sipowicz) Megadeth Matchbox AOL Spawn Clint Eastwood Beanie Babies X-Files (Mulder and Scully) Jeep Volkswagen Trio “Da Da Da” Barney the Dinosaur Sheetrock Mack truck David Letterman 7-Eleven “The Star-Spangled Banner” “MMMBop” Jackie Chan James Bond Tom Clancy Boeing Wile E. Coyote Roadrunner Porsche Batmobile Etch-A-Sketch Raid