
Showing posts from November, 2023

Megamorphs #4: Back to Before

  Style with Elsa Klensch  Audi TT Jeep Michael Jordan Mark McGwire Mademoiselle Seventeen Express Structure The Gap “Old MacDonald” Wal-Mart Ben & Jerry’s IMAX Paul Shaffer David Letterman Leonardo DiCaprio Adam Sandler Biff Henderson Star Trek UPS MTV Vaseline Elvis Presley  “Heartbreak Hotel” Home Depot X-Files (Mulder and Scully) Blockbuster McDonald’s John le Carre Howard Stern Jenny Jones NYPD Blue Big Wheel Quasimodo Circuit City Sony Bill Clinton Taco Bell Sam Goody Williams-Sonoma Eddie Bauer

Animorphs #40: The Other

  Red Lobster Guardian Prudential SpongeBob Squarepants Two Fat Ladies Unsolved Mysteries Kid Rock X-Files (Mulder and Scully) Slim Jim Gwyneth Paltrow Shakespeare in Love  Star National Enquirer Batman Robin John Deere Martha Stewart Living House Beautiful Architectural Digest Sub-Zero Viking Bosch CuisinArt KItchenAid The Food Network Cadillac Elvis Presley CNN Bloomberg Nike Express Bebe Pepsi Cinnabon  Fidel Castro Mr. Clean Top Job Comet  U-Haul King Kong

Animorphs #39: The Hidden

  Ford Taurus Frankenstein Wile E. Coyote Road Runner Frisbee Novocain FedEx Flipper Dharma and Greg

Animorphs #38: The Arrival

  Star Trek (Dr. Spock, Vulcans) Rugrats Sheetrock Cinnabon Taco Bell Burger King Express M&M’s McDonald’s Albert Einstein

Animorphs #37: The Weakness

  Rachel (Bible) Friends Jeff Gordon Xena: Warrior Princess Hamlet Oedipus Rex George S. Patton Sheetrock Xerox Teletubbies (Laa-Laa) X-Men Wolverine Guess How Much I Love You? Disney Winnie the Pooh Piglet Tigger Blue’s Clues Steve Burns Curious George Zillions Magazine Consumer Reports Skechers The Gap Bruce Wayne Kinko’s Gene Kelly Singin’ in the Rain McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish Three Stooges Jim Carrey The Mask Tasmanian devil Yosemite Sam Philip Morris

Animorphs #36: The Mutation

  Tom Clancy The Hunt for Red October Glamour Nike Mazda Walgreen’s McDonald’s Etch-A-Sketch Shamu Greyhound Wizard of Oz (alluded to) “Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me)” The City of Lost Children Peter Pan Bee Gees (alluded to) Whopper Jean-luc Picard Star Trek Lancelot (alluded to) Trent Reznor

Animorphs #35: The Proposal

  PlayStation Tekken Duke Nukem NFL Blitz Doc Martens Chris Rock Steak and Ale Sweet’n Low Romeo and Juliet Levi’s Home Depot Felicity  Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Chicken Soup for the Soul (alluded to) Oprah Winfrey  Baywatch The Powerpuff Girls  South Park The Gap ER UPN Coca-Cola Webster’s Leo Tolstoy The Young and the Restless Sigmund Freud Dwight Eisenhower The Terminator Monopoly Jaguar Batman Silver Surfer Daredevil Spawn Spider-Man Hanson Bob Dylan Ludwig van Beethoven  Charlie McCarthy (alluded to) Zac Hanson Nerf The Bodyguard Clint Eastwood In the Line of Fire (alluded to) Pepperidge Farms Sitting Bull George Armstrong Custer Norman Schwarzkopf Saddam Hussein George Washington Right Guard Old Spice Frisbee Coppertone Star Trek Sheetrock Winnie the Pooh (alluded to) Daffy Duck Volkswagen Fox Sean Connery Pierce Brosnan James Bond CNN